Market Value or Intrinsic Value?
Do you really know what your business is worth right now? There are a number of reasons why a business valuation may be required. If you are buying or selling a business you will need to determine its value prior to negotiating on price.
This means that you need to make sure if you are paying a fair price, if you are buying or ensure that you are getting a reasonable price when you sell.
You may also need to know the value of your business if you are seeking finance or involved in a family law matter.
Valuing a business involves more than just looking at the figures or applying a rule of thumb and requires an in-depth knowledge of valuation methodology.
A real benefit in evaluating your business means that you will have a prior information of the value of your company before you decide to sell.
We will also explain to you the value drivers of the business, which you need to negotiate a business value and at the same time, promoting an increase of additional profit.
Buying and selling of companies is a complex business and requires expert knowledge on how to conduct the process.
Initially, It is necessary to understand the Reasons To Buy a Company and the Reasons To Sell a Company.
When a company is evaluated, it is necessary to know the intrinsic value and fair value possibly being paid - before any DEALING, especially with input and output members or other goals.
The success of managers is how to manage properly the dilemma wealth and maximization liquidity. The value of the Equity reflects the investment made by partners or shareholders, throughout their lives, linked to accumulated retained earnings.
The value of the company is of commercial interest to both members and shareholders - Capital - as well as encouraging others - business men. Administer is synonymous to decide and the business growth will depend on the quality of decisions.
When a company is evaluated, what matters is the ability to generate future results, sometimes only with INTANGIBLE especially BRANDS etc, not retained earnings and past investments.
It is necessary to pay attention when faced with dissociation from partnership or scenario of dissolution, whose evaluation criteria before the partnership agreement are often dissonant VALUATION of economic methodology, prevailing methodologies already accepted in our Courts.
Regardless of the situations and how come the business, there is no doubt that acquisitions and sales of companies at the right time represent a growth accelerator in market scale.